Kreval Hawk Macbook Pro
IT demo page

The Brief

One of the projects challenges was to produce a creative design that excites the targeted audience and potential investors in a meaningful and engaging way. Meaning, communicating ProTag’s point of difference 'continuous 24/hr tracking' of each cattle was something we wanted to get right.

And through strategic phases in our wireframes, and copywriting iterations made through collaborations with the start-up founders and our small team we implemented a hero video right in the beginning to set the tone and the mood for the rest of the site. It was important that the design, interactive section and video not only captures and effectively communicates crucial aspects of the technology but to also visually align with the brand goals. Create something "visually satisfying".

As a home page focused website, the project did not come without its challenges, but through determination and hard work to produce the highest possible outcome for our client was front and centre in what we do. We are very happy with what we achieved and hope you enjoy what you see.

Responsive Design

mobile image responsive
desktop screen 4