
The Challenge

The goal of this project was to improve the overall user experience on the site (i.e., the customer journey and the website’s overall flow and clarity. The AC team also wanted to improve the AC brand’s perceived value by integrating more of the brand's personality through animations, graphic design and the use of photography and imagery.



It was important to establish a clear cut and streamlined process right from the beginning to achieve the website’s goals and objectives.

Discovery – Jumping on Zoom calls with AC’s key stakeholders gathering vital insights about the company. From there, we were able to build and scaffold an understanding of the overarching business objectives.

Process – With the information gathered from the AC team, a series of rough drawings of the site's information architecture were produced. From there, a series of low-fidelity wireframes were built (building off of user personas) and conducted a series of design iterations and usability tests and interviews before moving on to user interface design.

Deliver – After designing the site's user interface and building and editing animations, a move to swiftly to develop the website followed, including integrating a CMS (Content Management System) that allowed their team to make edits on the site without constant technical support.

kreval hawk digital athlete collective strategy image
ac screen 2
screen 6 ac
mobile screen

Responsive Design

mobile image responsive
desktop screen 4